Irish Geological Association fieldtrip to Mull and Iona
During the last week of July, Dr Michael Flowerdew and Prof Stephen Daly guided a group of geology enthusiasts around the Scottish Inner Hebridean islands of Mull and Iona. Members of the Irish Geological Association were treated to diverse and world class geological localities that showcased a variety of metamorphic, igneous, volcanic and sedimentological processes.

The field trip is part of CASP’s outreach and also associated with the part-CASP funded iCRAG project “North Atlantic basement terrane correlation based on K-feldspar Pb isotope mapping with applications in sedimentary provenance and mineralisation” and CASP’s reactions and flow of CO2 fluid in compositionally immature sandstones thematic research, as well as Michael’s continued research on the geological development of the Inner Hebridean islands of Iona, Colonsay and Islay.

9 August 2023