Robert Scott
In Memoriam
19th October 1960 – 26th September 2012
Robert joined CASP in 1989. Over a 23 year career with CASP, Robert was driven to help solve the Arctic geodynamic jigsaw, and he established many Arctic research projects focusing on plate reconstructions, sediment provenance, Cenozoic uplift and erosion, and orogenic belts. Robert loved fieldwork and relished the challenges of the high Arctic, undertaking field seasons in Svalbard, the Canadian Arctic Islands, Polar Urals, Novaya Zemyla and the Taimyr Peninsula.
The Robert Scott Research Fund was established in his memory in 2014.
- A Multi-proxy provenance study of Late Carboniferous to Middle Jurassic sandstones in the eastern Sverdrup Basin and its bearing on Arctic palaeogeographic reconstructions
- Early Mesozoic sinistral transpression along the Pai-Khoi – Novaya Zemlyafold-and-thrust belt, Russia
- Reconstructing Palaeozoic and Mesozoic tectonic evolution of Novaya Zemlya: combing geochronology and thermochronology
- Timing of exhumation and deformation across the Taimyr fold–thrust belt: insights from apatite fission track dating and balanced cross-sections