Source rock characteristics of Cretaceous mudstone in the Anderson Basin
Late Cretaceous Arctic Source Rock ProjectAuthor(s): Hülse, P., Gize, A., Harriman, G., Marshall, J.E.A., Lampronti, G.I. and Lopez-Mir, B.
Report Number: CASP.LCASR.4
2022-10946 reports found.
Author(s): Hülse, P., Gize, A., Harriman, G., Marshall, J.E.A., Lampronti, G.I. and Lopez-Mir, B.
Report Number: CASP.LCASR.4
2022-10Author(s): Paterson, N.W., Flowerdew, M.J., Fleming, E.J., Morton, A.C., Pointon, M.A., Badenszki, E., Frei, D., Millar, I. and Whitehouse, M.J.
Report Number: CASP.BPP2017-19.24
2022-04Author(s): Fleming, E.J. and Flowerdew, M.J.
Report Number: CASP.BPP2017-19.23
2021-08Author(s): Fleming, E.J. and Flowerdew, M.J.
Report Number: CASP.BPP2017-19.22
2020-08Author(s): Flowerdew, M.J., Fleming, E.J., Morton, A.C., Frei, D., Badenszki, E. and Omma, J.E.
Report Number: CASP.BPP2017-19.21
2020-06Author(s): Curtis, M.L., Flowerdew, M.J., Heilbronn, G., Morton, A.C., Pointon, M.A. and Frei, D.
Report Number: CASP.PKP2015-17.22
2020-02Author(s): Paterson, N.W., Szulc, A.G., Whitham, A.G. and Vautravers, B.P.H.
Report Number: CASP.EGS.GNP.PSRS2018-19.174
2020-02Author(s): Szulc, A.G., Paterson, N.W., Gize, A.P., Whitham, A.G. and Vautravers, B.P.H.
Report Number: CASP.EGS.GNP.PSRS2018-19.173
2020-02Author(s): Hulse, P., Shaw, D., Schneider, S. and Lopez-Mir, B.
Report Number: CASP.LCASR.1
2020-01Author(s): Pointon, M.A., Flowerdew, M.J., Hulse, P., Schneider, S., Millar, I. and Mitchell, L.
Report Number: CASP.LCASR.2
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